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Patrick Brown - An Introduction to the Bond Markets

This book gives an introduction to the bond markets for practitioners and new entrants who need to understand what they are, how they work, and how they can be used, but do not want to be intimidated by mathematical formulae. By the end of the book, readers will be able to decide whether to invest in the bond market. The mathematical formulae will be relegated to the appendices and supplemented by a companion website that allows users to enter their own bond market investments, to simulate anticipated events and see the results.

  • Patrick Brown is well-known as Chairman of the European Bond commission (recently retired)
  • The only bond book that does not rely heavily on mathematical formulae

PATRICK J. BROWN, the well-known financial mathematician, has worked in stockbroking and the capital markets for over 35 years. He has previously worked at Datastream and was a director of ISMA in London for a number of years. He was involved in developing the original EFFAS bond indices and has written the official guide to their construction. He has been the chairman of the European Bond Commission and the convenor of the ISO 15022 financial message standard working group. He is also the author of the ISMA publication Bond Markets – Structures and Yield Calculations.

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