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  • Publisher:Stockmarketstore (June 15, 2008)
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:0977713229
  • ISBN-13:978-0977713226

Dr. Charles B Schaap, Jr. is the founder and president of He has over 20 years of experience trading stocks, futures, and options. Dr. Schaap is the author of ADXcellence-Power Trend Strategies (2006), a book for advanced technical traders, and -Big Profits for Small Investors (2008), an investor’s guide to building wealth using stocks and ETFs. Dr. Schaap is a well-known lecturer and has been a speaker for the Chicago Board of Trade, the International Trader’s Expo, the American Association of Individual Investors, and others. He publishes The Journal of Excellence in Trading, a monthly newsletter that provides market insights and trading analysis. He has written numerous articles for magazines, websites, and newsletters, including Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Futures Magazine, SFO Magazine, and Working-Money (online). Dr. Schaap is a former director and life member of the International Hedge Fund Association. He is also a life member of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII).

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