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The wavy tunnel course by


  • Understand the background behind the .
  • Look at the Market Cycles to see how the Tracks the  Cycles and Waves.
  • Get a broad overview of all the Methods and how they apply to each Market Cycle.
  • Begin picturing yourself Riding the Waves and Cashing in on Profits using the .


  1. In technical analysis training courses, you learn to identify trends and sideways markets.
  2. Each cycle requires a different strategy and mindset.
  3. Once the cycle is identified, the trader learns which strategies to use to trade each cycle.
  4. The analysis tools learned are combined to create high-probability trading strategies.
  5. But without Elliott Wave Analysis do not have the complete picture yet!

The Elliott Wave Series and

  • In The Elliott Wave Series, we label these cycles and call them waves. We learn about sub-waves too.
  • We learn how to find the End of the Trend, and what a Trend, Correction, and Reversal Pattern truly mean in the context of the big picture.
  • Finally, we bring it all together and introduce a powerful trading strategy that addresses all market cycles – the WAVY TUNNEL.
  • Today, we bring you the as a stand-alone Video Series!

The Japanese have used candlesticks as a charting and analysis technique for centuries. Candlesticks mostly help pick tops and bottoms and are most powerful when they confirm a western indicator. Candlestick patterns are psychological imprints of what traders are thinking at any given time. There are approximately 40 reversal candle patterns that vary from single candlesticks to groupings of up to five candlesticks.

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