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"Pricing and Risk Management"
Showing 1-50 of 57 items.

Portfolio Investing – Get Steady And Consistent Returns With Low Drawdowns, Spending Just 20 Mins Per Month

Portfolio Investing – Get Steady And Consistent Returns With Low Drawdowns, Spending Just 20 Mins Per Month by Ron Bertino & Trading Dominion Do you need steady returns with low drawdowns? Sure. Doesn't everybody? The problem is...

John C. Hull – Introduction to Futures And Options Markets (2nd Ed.)

John C. Hull – Introduction to Futures & Options Markets (2nd Ed.) Contents are the same as US/UK editions. Designed for those with limited training in mathematics. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition offers an...

George Jabbour & Philip Budwick – The Option Trader Handbook

George Jabbour & Philip Budwick - The Option Trader Handbook Strategies, tools and proven solutions for minimizing risk and volatility in options trading The Option Trader Handbook helps readers better understand trade management by providing a...

Hrishikesh Vinod & Derrick Reagle – Preparing For The Worst Incorporating Downside Risk In Stock Market Investments

Hrishikesh Vinod Derrick Reagle - Preparing for the Worst Incorporating Downside Risk in StockA timely approach to downside risk and its role in stock market investmentsWhen dealing with the topic of risk analysis, most books on...

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Volatility & Pricing

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Volatility & Pricing Best book on how to do option trading and to learn the nitty gritty of option. The bestselling Option Volatility & Pricing has made Sheldon Natenberg a widely recognized...

Moorad Choudhry – Fixed Income Securities And Derivatives Handbook Analysis And Valuation

Moorad Choudhry - Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook Analysis and ValuationThe market in bond market securities, also known as the fixed income market, is incredibly large and diverse, and one that plays an irreplaceable part...

Euan Sinclair – Options Trading. Pricing & Volatility Strategies & Technique

Euan Sinclair - Options Trading Pricing Volatility Strategies TechniqueAn A to Z options trading guide for the new millennium and the new economyWritten by professional trader and quantitative analyst Euan Sinclair, Option Trading is a comprehensive guide to this discipline...

Gregory Connor – Portfolio Risk Analysis

Gregory Connor - Portfolio Risk AnalysisPortfolio risk forecasting has been and continues to be an active research field for both academics and practitioners. Almost all institutional investment management firms use quantitative models for their portfolio forecasting,...

Charles Smithson – Credit Portfolio Management.

Charles Smithson - Credit Portfolio ManagementDescriptionA cutting-edge text on credit portfolio management Credit risk. A number of market factors are causing revolutionary changes in the way it is measured and managed at financial institutions. Charles Smithson,...

Jeff Augen – Trading Options At Expiration-Strategies And Models For Winning The Endgame

Trading Options at Expiration-Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame Equity and index options expire on the third Friday of each month. As that moment approaches, unusual market forces create option price distortions, rarely understood by...

Nassim Taleb – Dynamic Hedging. Managing Vanilla And Exotic Options

Nassim Taleb - Dynamic Hedging. Managing Vanilla and Exotic OptionsDescriptionDynamic Hedging is the definitive source on derivatives risk. It provides a real-world methodology for managing portfolios containing any nonlinear security. It presents risks from the vantage...

Investopedia – Research And Trade Like The Pros

Investopedia - Research And Trade Like The Pros Course DescriptionThis course is for: investors with at least one year of investing experience. Research and Trade Like The Pros is loaded with high-powered analytical methods and research shortcuts. You’ll learn...

Mark J.P.Anson & Frank J.Fabozzi – Credit Derivates Instruments Applications & Pricing

Mark J.P.Anson, Frank J.Fabozzi - Credit Derivates Instruments Applications & PricingDescriptionAn essential guide to credit derivatives Credit derivatives has become one of the fastest-growing areas of interest in global derivatives and risk management. Credit Derivatives takes...

Chris Marrison – The Fundamentals Of Risk Measurement

Chris Marrison - The Fundamentals of Risk MeasurementThe Fundamentals of Risk Measurement introduces the state-of-the-art tools and practices necessary for planning, executing, and maintaining risk management in today’s volatile financial environment. This comprehensive book provides description and...

TradeSmart University – Foundations Of Stocks And Options (3 Levels)

TradeSmart University - Foundations of Stocks and Options (3 levels) Level 1: New FOSO Teachings (Oct 2014) Class 1 - Introduction - 1h 10m Class 2 - Support & Resistance - 1h 36m Class 3 -...

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Pricing And Volatility - Advanced Strategies And Trading Techniques

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Pricing And Volatility (Advanced Strategies And Trading Techniques) WHAT EVERY OPTION TRADER NEEDS TO KNOW. THE ONE BOOK EVERY TRADER SHOULD OWN. The bestselling Option Volatility & Pricing has made Sheldon Natenberg...

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio Written by Brian Johnson, a professional investment manager with many years of trading and teaching experience, Option Strategy Risk/Return Ratios introduces a revolutionary new framework for evaluating, comparing,...

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic .Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management Models

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management ModelsDevelopment Financial markets professionals today must sort, analyze, and act upon incredible amounts of data. This...

Carol Alexander – Market Risk Analysis Vol. IV. Value-At-Risk Models

Carol Alexander – Market Risk Analysis Vol. IV. Value-At-Risk Models Written by leading market risk academic, Professor Carol Alexander, Value-at-Risk Models forms part four of theMarket Risk Analysis four volume set. Building on the three previous volumes...

Robert Kast – Economics and Finance of Risk and of the Future

This book uses real-world examples to show how individual and collective risks can be blended and treated in a reliable decision-making framework that draws its inspiration from decision theory and market based mechanisms. It then goes...

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.)

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.) The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities occupies the top spot as the most authoritative, widely read reference in the global fixed income marketplace. First published in...

Marco Avellaneda – Quantitative Analysis In Financial Markets

Marco Avellaneda - Quantitative Analysis in Financial MarketsThis volume contains lectures delivered at the celebrated Seminar in Mathematical Finance at the Courant Institute. The lecturers and presenters of papers are prominent researchers and practitioners in the...

John Y. Campbell – The Econometrics of Financial Markets

John Y. Campbell – The Econometrics of Financial Markets From the Publisher The past twenty years have seen an extraordinary growth in the use of quantitative methods in financial markets. Finance professionals now routinely use sophisticated...

Eric Falkenstein – Finding Alpha

Eric Falkenstein - Finding AlphaAn innovative guide to finding alpha in a world where risk usually does not correlate with higher returns Finding Alpha is a practical guide to achieving alpha when conventional measures of risk...

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide To Financial Markets

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide to Financial MarketsDescriptionAn Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income, and commodities. Using a unique structural...

Bill Poulos – ETF Profit Driver Course

Bill Poulos - ETF Profit Driver CourseA $,1947 course that will teach you how to supercharge your portfolio in less than 20 minutes a night, while doubling your profit potential with half the effort.CD-ROM #1: Background...

Marek Capinski & Tomasz Zastawniak – Mathematics For Finance. An Introduction To Financial Engineering

Marek Capinski, Tomasz Zastawniak - Mathematics for Finance. An Introduction to Financial Engineering As with the first edition, Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering combines financial motivation with mathematical style. Assuming an only basic...

Various – A Huge Collection of Trading, Economic Ebooks (100 & Mostly PDF, Classic & Recent Books)

A Huge Collection of Very Best Trading and Economics books. Many books are recent with some classics. These books will help you with your understanding in economics and trading immensely. Areas of topic include: Economic Indicator,...

Geoff Chaplin – Credit Derivates.

Geoff Chaplin - Credit DerivatesThe credit derivatives industry has come under close scrutiny over the past few years, with the recent financial crisis highlighting the instability of a number of credit structures and throwing the industry...

Sharekhan – Professional Trader Course

Sharekhan – Professional Trader Course This program introduces you to the world of demand and supply to ensure there is a high accuracy prediction of market turning points. As the name suggests, it equips you with...

Joseph G.Nicholas – Market Neutral Investing

Joseph G.Nicholas - Market Neutral Investing In today's volatile markets, managing risk is more important than ever. Investors are looking for downside protection while maintaining good returns--and market-neutral investing has become one of the hottest methods...

Chris Lori – ProTradersClub - 6 Years Archive

Chris Lori – ProTradersClub - 6 Years Archive This offering contains every video produced for Pro Traders Club dating back to 2015! Put an end to chasing systems and burning through accounts. Invest in learning how...

Chris Lori – The Best of Pro Traders Club

Get all of Chris’ best Pro Traders Club 180+ videos teaching and trading sessions all in one place. The content is organized into educational sections by subject, including some of the following: Live Trading and Price Action (25...

Chris Lori – ProTradersClub - Fx Elite Program (2020)

Chris Lori – ProTradersClub - Fx Elite Program (2020) The FX Elite Program Includes: Price Action Course – 110 Videos! 180 Pro Traders Club All Time Best Teaching Sessions (more to be added)! 6 Years of...

T3 Live - Earnings Engine by Sami Abusaad

T3 Live – Earnings Engine by Sami Abusaad $86,800 in One Day of Trading Earnings? Want to know how powerful Sami Abusaad's Earnings Play is? Sami used the strategy to earn $86,800 in a single day...

Chris Lori – Pro Traders Price Action Course

Chris Lori – Pro Traders Price Action Course The Price Action Course contains detailed explanations of price behavior that are incomparable in the FX retail marketplace. The lessons will explain exactly what you see on your...

Pierre Lequeux – Financial Markets Tick By Tick

Pierre Lequeux - Financial Markets Tick by TickFinancial Markets Tick by Tick Insights in Financial Markets Microstructure Edited by Pierre Lequeux "Financial Markets Tick by Tick is an in-depth and unique collection of analyses of the...

Mastertrader – Master Trader Option Strategies Series

Mastertrader – Master Trader Option Strategies Series Master Trader Option Strategies Series for Investors and Active Traders is for investors and traders to create Wealth and Generate Income using our simple Option Strategies. Our unique approach...

Lars Jaeger – Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund Replication

Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund ReplicationThere s a buzzword that has quickly captured the imagination of product providers and investors alike: "hedge fund replication". In the broadest sense, replicating hedge fund strategies means replicating their...

Pbs – The Trillion Dollar Bet

The Trillion Dollar BetThe history behind perhaps the greatest formula ever created in finance: the Black-Scholes-Merton options pricing model. Two of its creators were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1997. A year later their...

Peter Wilson & Sue Bates – The Essential Guide To Managing Small Business Growth

Peter Wilson, Sue Bates - The Essential Guide To Managing Small Business GrowthDescriptionA cliche it may be but we are living in ever more turbulent times. Business decision-making has become more challenging and unpredictable than ever:...

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos NY 1 – Raj Malhotra: Pricing Options Like a Market Maker Video length: 43 Minutes As an Options Trader, Raj Malhotra has had one of the most successful...

Jurgen Topper – Financial Engineering With Finite Elements

Jurgen Topper - Financial Engineering with Finite ElementsDescriptionThe pricing of derivative instruments has always been a highly complex and time-consuming activity. Advances in technology, however, have enabled much quicker and more accurate pricing through mathematical rather...

Alphatrends – Intermediate Trading Course + Access to Intermediate Course

Alphatrends - Intermediate Trading Course + access to Intermediate CourseWHAT YOU GETOver 9 hours of recorded video to view and to review at your own pace Alphatrends - Intermediate Trading Course + access to Intermediate Course1 on...

Aldo Lagrutta – Evo Fortune 500

Hi, I’m Aldo Lagrutta, And today, I’m going to share the exact reason why it’s so difficult for you to make money trading Oil even if you have been trading other markets for many years and...

John Carter – The Bulls Eye System (Ready Aim Fire)

John Carter – The Bulls Eye System – Ready Aim FireIf you want to rapidly grow your account in today’s volatile market, then this interactive online course will show you how using a simple 3-step system...

Richard R.Lindsey – How I Became A Quant

Richard R.Lindsey - How I Became a QuantDescriptionPraise for How I Became a Quant"Led by two top-notch quants, Richard R. Lindsey and Barry Schachter, How I Became a Quant details the quirky world of quantitative analysis...

Robert W.Kolb – Financial Derivates

Robert W.Kolb - Financial Derivates Essential insights on the various aspects of financial derivatives If you want to understand derivatives without getting bogged down by the mathematics surrounding their pricing and valuation, Financial Derivatives is the book for...

Robert Jarrow – Derivate Securities (The Complete Investors Guide)

Robert Jarrow - Derivate Securities (The Complete Investors Guide)Skilled investors know that to play in today's high-risk global-investment environment, they must maximize return while hedging risk. To do this successfully, investors must understand the intricacies and...

Peter James – Option Theory

Peter James – Option TheoryA unified development of the subject, presenting the theory of options in each of the different forms and stressing the equivalence between each of the methodologies. * Demystifies some of the more...