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"Jesse L. Livermore"
Showing 1-23 of 23 items.

Jesse L. Livermore & Richard Smitten – How to Trade in Stocks

The Success Secrets of a Stock Market LegendJesse Livermore was a loner, an individualist-and the most successful stock trader who ever lived. Written shortly before his death in 1940, How to Trade Stocks offered traders their first account...

Jesse Livermore – The Stock Market Trading Secrets Of The Late (1940, Scaned)

Jesse Livermore - The Stock Market Trading Secrets of the Late (1940, scanned)The Stock Market Trading Secrets of the Late Jesse Livermore by C.M. Flumiani American Academy for Financial Management, 1965. Softcover, Reprint, exact facsimile of...

Jesse Livermore – How To Trade In Stocks (1940 Original)

Jesse Livermore-How To Trade In Stocks (1940 Original)

Jesse Livermore – Speculator King

This biography of Livermore by prolific writer Paul Sarnoff is a fascinating account of Livermore’s life, which explores in detail his market operations and maneuvers, his hopes, his fears, his successes and his failures. Live again...

Wyckoff & Richard D – The Day Trader's Bible (My Secret In Day Trading Of Stocks)

Wyckoff & Richard D – The Day Trader's Bible (My Secret In Day Trading Of Stocks) Continuing as a trader and educator in the stock, commodity and bond markets, Wyckoff was curious about the logic behind...

Traderlion – Swing Trading MasterClass with Oliver Kell

Learn portfolio construction with Trader Lion’s course Swing Trading Master Class by Oliver Kell You will learn from the best of the best in this record-breaking trading curriculum that is centered on super performance. As a...

Oliver Kell – Victory in Stock Trading Strategies and Tactics of The 2020 U.S

Oliver Kell – Victory in Stock Trading Strategies and Tactics of The 2020 U.S The goal of this book is to better help you understand how to think about price action. These are the strategies Oliver...

Martin Pring – Investment Psychology. Explained Classic Strategies To Beat The Markets

Martin Pring - Investment Psychology. Explained Classic Strategies to Beat the MarketsDescriptionExpert advice in a back-to-basics handbook on how to beat the market-the classic wayIn Investment Psychology Explained Martin J. Pring, one of the most respected...

Stephen Carpenter – Market Timing Tutorial

Stephen Carpenter - Market Timing Tutorial keyturningdatesDISCLAIMER: The information on the monthly letters, the interim reports, or in any other correspondence, either written or oral, is provided solely for educational purposes, and in no way...

Various – A Huge Collection of Trading, Economic Ebooks (100 & Mostly PDF, Classic & Recent Books)

A Huge Collection of Very Best Trading and Economics books. Many books are recent with some classics. These books will help you with your understanding in economics and trading immensely. Areas of topic include: Economic Indicator,...

John Templeton – Price Action

John Templeton - Price Action If You Are Looking For Some Trading Robot That Will Automatically Trade For You, Or A “Magical” Indicator That Will Tell You When To Buy Or Sell, THIS IS NOT FOR...

Wyckoffanalytics – Conversations With Wyckoff Wizards

Wyckoffanalytics - Conversations With Wyckoff Wizards Conversations With Wyckoff Wizards was recorded as a live webinar series in May 2016, and features Roman Bogomazov and Bruce Fraser discussing both fundamental aspects and more advanced nuances of...

Orderflowforex – Order Flow Mastery Course

Orderflowforex - Order Flow Mastery Course How the “Order Flow Mastery Course” Will Change Your Trading Forever By Teaching You The Universal Principles of Speculation And Trading Secrets of Jesse Livermore, George Soros and Paul Tudor...

Lars Kestner – A Comparison of Popular Trading Systems (2nd Ed.)

Lars Kestner – A Comparison of Popular Trading Systems (2nd Ed.) This book was originally written to determine which ideas and strategies of published authors were profitable. The systems found in popular books usually were not...

Anna Coulling – Stock Trading & Investing Using Volume Price Analysis: Over 200 worked examples

Anna Coulling – Stock Trading & Investing Using Volume Price Analysis: Over 200 worked examples It was good enough for them What do Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, and Richard Ney have in common? They used volume...

Anna Coulling – A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis: Read the book then read the market

Anna Coulling – A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis: Read the book then read the market It was good enough for them What do Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, and Richard Ney have in common? They...

Quantumtradingeducation – Technical Analysis Module

Quantumtradingeducation - Technical Analysis Module For many traders and investors, price and the price chart itself are the beginning and the end of technical analysis,and this perhaps best describes those traders who classify themselves as price...

John Boik – Lessons from the Greatest Stock Traders of all Time

The trading strategies of legends Jesse Livermore, Bernard Baruch, Gerald Loeb, and more provide ways to triumph in the marketToday’s bookshelves are so laden with Johnny-come-lately experts, eager to sell their knowledge to any and all,...

Edwin Lefevre – Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (75th Aniversary Ed.)

Reminiscences is a fictionalized account of the life of the securities trader Jesse Livermore. Despite the book’s age, it continues to offer insights into the art of trading and speculation. In Jack Schwagers Market Wizards, Reminiscences...

SMI – Wyckoff Strategies Techniques

SMI – Wyckoff Strategies Techniques WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK During the first third of the 20th century, Richard D. Wyckoff (1873 – 1934) was an extremely successful trader in stocks, bonds, and commodities. As...

Richard Wyckoff – Stock Market Techique No.1

Richard Wyckoff - Stock Market Techique No.1 First published in 1933, this book contains principal articles, editorials, and correspondence originally published in the magazine Stock Market Technique from March 1932 to July 1933, inclusive. Richard Demille...

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived… Full time traders,...

Curtis Faith – Trading From Your Gut

“For all those who wonder if the powers of right brain thinking could apply to the trends-and-charts universe of stock and options trading, Curtis Faith has their answer. In Trading from Your Gut, Faith taps brain research,...