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Showing 1-50 of 62 items.

FRM – 2000-2001-2002 Financial Risk Manager Examination CD, GARP

FRM - 2000-2001-2002 Financial Risk Manager Examination CD, GARPWhat are the requirements for FRM Certification?Pass the FRM Exam Part IPass the FRM Exam Part II within 4 yearsDemonstrate 2 years of related work experienceA candidate demonstrates...

FRM & 2002 – FRM Examination By 2004 Schweser Study Program With Answers

FRM - 2002 - FRM Examination by 2004 Schweser Study Program with Answers

Martin Pring – Market Analysis Companion For Metastock

Martin Pring - Market Analysis Companion for MetastockDetailed explanation and information to analyze the U.S. stock market for better trading results. Including 10 movie tutorials using marketplace examples of specific indicators such as the A/D line,...

John C. Hull – Introduction to Futures And Options Markets (2nd Ed.)

John C. Hull – Introduction to Futures & Options Markets (2nd Ed.) Contents are the same as US/UK editions. Designed for those with limited training in mathematics. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition offers an...

Alexander Elder – 3 Methods Of Successful Trading

Alexander Elder - 3 Methods of Successful TradingAlexander Elder, M.D., is a professional trader and a teacher of traders. He is the author of Trading for a Living, considered a modern classic among traders. First published...

Jim Brown – MT4 High Probability Forex Trading Method

Jim Brown – MT4 High Probability Forex Trading MethodJim, from Queensland Australia, is a full-time Forex Trader and currently resides in Vietnam. This particular book provides a reliable and robust trading method which Jim has refined...

Juan R. Rabunal – Artificial Neural Networks in Real Life Applications

Juan R. Rabunal – Artificial Neural Networks in Real Life ApplicationsArtificial Neural Networks in Real-Life Applications offers an outlook on the most recent works in the field of artificial neural networks (ANN). It includes theoretical developments...

Lynn Sharp Paine – Value Shift

Lynn Sharp Paine - Value Shift"Lynn Paine has an optimistic analysis of the need for--and the value of--bringing ethical values into business decision-making. The 'meltdown' of so many high-flyers recently suggests that lesson had been lost...

Alexander Elder – Technical Analysis With Alexander Elder Video Series

Alexander Elder - Technical Analysis with Alexander Elder Video Series Set of 7 videos - Technical Indicators Dr. Alexander Elder (Author) Includes: MACD & MACD- Histogram Relative Strength Index Stochastic Directional Williams %R Elder-Ray Triple Screen...

Ashraf Laidi – Currency Trading And Intermarket Analysis

Ashraf Laidi - Currency Trading and Intermarket AnalysisAs head FX strategist at CMC Markets–one of the world's leading forex/commodity brokers–Ashraf Laidi understands the forces shaping today's currency market and their interplay with interest rates, equities, and...

Anton Kreil & ITPM – Anton Kreil - Meet ITPM Trader Richard. 850% Return in 10 Months!

Anton Kreil & ITPM – Anton Kreil - Meet ITPM Trader Richard. 850% Return in 10 Months! Saturday March 20th @ 9am EST till 11am EST About this Event ONLY 125 FIRST TIMERS TO ITPM WILL...

Robert Jorgensen – Individually Managed Accounts An Investor's Guide

Robert Jorgensen - Individually Managed Accounts an Investor's Guide Description The first investor-friendly book on IMAs By 2010 nearly five million households will invest more than $2.6 trillion in individually managed accounts (IMAs). Today nearly $470...

Philp Arestis – A Biographical Dictionary Of Dissenting Economists

Philp Arestis - A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting EconomistsAn extensive guide to economists both past and present which provides biographical, bibliographical, and critical information on over 1000 economists working in the non-neo-classical tradition, broadly defined. It...

Robert Zoller – Tools & Techniques of a Medieval Astrologer (I, II, III)

Robert Zoller - Tools & Techniques of a Medieval AstrologerBook One: Prenatal Concerns and the Calculation of the Length of Life.For twenty years Tools and Techniques has been a leading text for the Predictive astrologer. Now extensively revised,...

Rishi Narang – Inside The Black Box

Inside the Black BoxDescriptionNew edition of book that demystifies quant and algo tradingIn this updated edition of his bestselling book, Rishi K Narang offers in a straightforward, nontechnical style—supplemented by real-world examples and informative anecdotes—a reliable...

David M.Jones – Unlocking The Secrets Of The Fed

Unlocking the Secrets of the FedWritten by America's most respected Fed watcher-Dr. David Jones-Unlocking the Secrets of the Fed gets inside the world of monetary and fiscal policymaking and explains how understanding and anticipating the actions...

Robert Cinnamon – How To Understand Business Finance

Robert Cinnamon - How to Understand Business FinanceEvery possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, and the publishers and authors...

Markus G.O.Rose – The Annual Stock Market Rosecast 2010

The Annual Stock Market Rosecast 2010Markus Rose, Sun in Libra, Chinese sign Monkey, graduated from one of Europe's leading business schools, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, with a Masters Degree (Mag.) in Finance and...

Jeffrey Kennedy – Trader's Classroom Collection Volume 1-4

Jeffrey Kennedy - Trader's Classroom Collection (Volume 1-4) The wait is over: Volumes III and IV of Trader's Classroom Collection are finally here. Jeffrey's critical monthly lessons were first combined to create the Trader's Classroom Collection...

Bryce Gilmore – Trading To Win Course 2004

Bryce Gilmore - Trading to Win Course 2004 In 2002, we released our 1st edition of Trading to Win as a summary of everything that had gone before. This book is now into its 2nd edition,...

Patrick Young And Charles Sidey – Single Stock Futures

Patrick Young and Charles Sidey - Single Stock Futures Single Stock Futures are regarded by many as the ultimate derivative. Having finally made their US trading debut in November 2002, the market is set for explosive...

Unique Must Read – Top Trading Books Collection

Unique Must Read – Top Trading Books collection This is the Unique must have books on trading and investments handpicked by professionals. It has everything from technical analysis to investment Psychology. Go through the files and...

Linda Raschke – LBR Indicators

Linda Raschke – LBR Indicators Linda began her professional trading career in 1981 making markets in options as a member of two exchanges. She became a registered CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) in 1992. Since then, she...

Ultimate Collection of 400 Trading eBooks

Ultimate Collection of 400 Trading eBooks 10 Essentials of Forex Trading, Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit.pdf 6.61MB 239434484-Sperandeo-Victor-Trader-Vic-Methods-of-a-Wall-Street-Master.pdf 2.85MB 30 Days to Market Mastery A Step-by-Step Guide to Profitable Trading.pdf 6.38MB 7 Winning Strategies...

Bloomberg Financial Series – Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading

Bloomberg Financial Series – Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading DESCRIPTION The Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading is an in-depth, easy-to-use guide to trading the financial markets with the Elliott Wave Principle. In many ways...

Joel Hasbrouck – Empirical Market Microstructure

Joel Hasbrouck - Empirical Market MicrostructureThe book discusses the mechanisms by which securities are traded, as well as examining economic models of asymmetric information, inventory control, and cost-minimizing trading strategies.Review "Joel Hasbrouck provides the first integrated...

Gavin Holmes – Trading In The Shadow Of The Smart Money

Gavin Holmes - Trading in the Shadow of the Smart Money ( “Trading in the Shadow of the Smart Money” Gavin discusses why market manipulation is actually a good thing for traders and investors who can...

Lars Jaeger – Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund Replication

Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund ReplicationThere s a buzzword that has quickly captured the imagination of product providers and investors alike: "hedge fund replication". In the broadest sense, replicating hedge fund strategies means replicating their...

Daniel Ferrera – W.D. Gann's Mass Pressure Forecasting Charts

Daniel Ferrera - W.D. Gann's Mass Pressure Forecasting Charts (Sacredscience) W.D. Gann’s Mass Pressure Forecasting Technique (Article from Trader’s World Magazine) Of all the Gann forecasting techniques known, the Mass Pressure Formula has been one of...

Timothy Sykes – An American Hedge Fund

Timothy Sykes – An American Hedge Fund $2 trillion is invested in the hedge fund industry, and yet, due to industry regulations, the general public knows little about them. This book will change everything. Timothy turned...

Steven Primo – PowerRatings Course (Videos & Manuals)

Steven Primo - PowerRatings CourseSince PowerRatings has been launched, it has become the single most popular trading tool amongst traders in the history of TradingMarkets.Now, for the first time, you can learn how to trade PowerRatings...

Toby Crabel – System & Portfolio Development With Long Term Trading Strategies

Toby Crabel - System & Portfolio Development with Long Term Trading StrategiesToby is a successful hedge fund manager, having worked for Victor Niederhoffer before starting his own company. Toby’s returns are good, but his risk management...

Tradingmarkets – ConnorsRSI Selective Trading Strategy

Tradingmarkets - ConnorsRSI Selective Trading StrategyIntroducing:Most traders feel that large cash allocations are a waste of time, and they believe the popular "rule" that it's always better to remain invested in the market.This "rule" is in...

Richard Machowicz – Interactive Course

Richard Machowicz - Interactive Course How to consistently execute your trading strategy perfectly. Once you have fully mastered the fundamentals of your strategy, you will be able to apply it with total concentration. Perfect execution will...

Rudiger Dornbusch & Stanley Fischer – Macro Economics

Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer - Macro EconomicsDornbusch, Fischer, and Startz has been a long-standing, leading intermediate macroeconomic theory text since its introduction in 1978. This revision retains most of the text’s traditional features, including a middle-of-the-road...

Chris Capre – Sniper Trading System for Forex

Chris Capre – Sniper Trading System for Forex 7 different systems are included Atr 15-25 Dbt Bollinge Wrap-up Eurusd Pivot Breakout Gbpjpy Hunter Gbpusd Big Swing Momentum 120 Outside Rev The Bollinger Pocket Each system has...

Daniel Ferrera – Wheels Whithin Wheels (Sacredscience)

Daniel Ferrera – Wheels Whithin Wheels (Sacredscience) THE ART OF FORECASTING FINANCIAL MARKET CYCLES "Mr. Ferrera has put together a very unique stock market report that clearly shows two dominant long term cycle patterns that have...

Myles Wilson Walker – Profitable Forecasting

Myles Wilson Walker – Profitable Forecasting First began researching the methods of R.N. Elliott & WD. Gann in 1990. First book Published by Windsor Books (N.Y.) 1998 List of Published Works 1998 – How to Identify...

Anton Kreil – Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM)

Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Anton Kreil Anton is the Managing Partner of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, an independent global community of 425 Traders across 22 countries. Anton manages and oversees the Institute...

Jonathan A.Batten – European Fixed Income Markets

Jonathan A.Batten - European Fixed Income MarketsDescriptionThe introduction of the euro in 1999 cast a new focus on the financial markets of constituent euro-zone countries, which have subsequently emerged with the second largest bond market in...

Alexander Elder – New Trading Tactics

Alexander Elder - New Trading TacticsNew Tactics: Trading for a Living Dr Alexander Elder (Author)Imagine traveling to New York and spending a day acquiring new insights into trading psychology, seeing the latest twists in trading tactics,...

Daytradingzones – Master Fibonacci, Symmetry & Consistent Profitable Trading

Daytradingzones – Master Fibonacci, Symmetry & Consistent Profitable Trading The ULTIMATE Cheat Sheet To “Cracking The Code” With Fibonacci Setups, Intraday Interpretations And More… That’ll Allow You To Profit More From Your Trading In DAYS Versus...

Glenn Shafer – Probability And Finance

Glenn Shafer - Probability and FinanceProvides a foundation for probability based on game theory rather than measure theory.A strong philosophical approach with practical applications.Presents in-depth coverage of classical probability theory as well as new theory.Review"Shafer...and Vovk...explain...

Robert Zoller – The Introduction Course In Medieval Astrology

Robert Zoller - The Introduction Course in Medieval Astrology Robert Zoller’s Beginners course introducing the principles of Medieval Astrology, which upon completion will give any student a basic knowledge of the Medieval system, its sign sub-divisions...

Robert Miner – Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies

Robert Miner – Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies Size: 50.3 MB Product Description Robert Miner - Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies is a Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports Practical Elliott Wave...

Stephen W. Bigalow – 12 Major Candlestick Signals

Stephen W. Bigalow – 12 Major Candlestick Signals Stephen W. Bigalow possesses over twenty-five years of investment experience, including eight years as a stockbroker with major Wall Street firms: Kidder Peabody & Company, Cowen & Company and...

Aleister Crowly & Etc... – Collection Of Rare And Valuable Tarot Books

Aleister Crowly & Etc... – Collection Of Rare And Valuable Tarot Books This is a collection of rare and valuable books on Tarot. Thanks to appropriate interpretations you will start winning in personal life and in...

Glenn Neely – Neowave. Inovations That Make Elliott Wave Work Better For You

Glenn Neely - Neowave. Inovations that Make Elliott Wave Work Better for YouThe three core elements of Elliott Wave are:the Fibonacci number seriespattern recognitionthe Golden ratio (.618)All three elements have a "forecasting" or "anticipatory" aspect, in...

Roger C.Gibson – Asset Allocation - Balancing Financial Risk (4th Ed.)

Roger C.Gibson - Asset Allocation. Balancing Financial Risk (4th Ed.)The definitive guidebook for successful long-term investingThe third edition of Roger C. Gibson's Asset Allocation: Balancing Financial Risk was released in 2000 on the heels of the...

Warren Boroson – Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett

Warren Boroson – Pick Stocks Like Warren BuffettProduct DescriptionThe most trusted name in tax! April 15th comes once a year. But the new tax laws will change the way we save and plan our financial affairs...